EMCO: Vehicle Workshops Not Permitted to 0perate from July 3-16, according to latest SOP
Car workshops are not allowed to opened from July 3 - 16 in affected area within EMCO in Selangor and some parts of Kuala Lumpur
Tomorrow onwards, certain area in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur will undergo Enhance Movement Control Order(EMCO) for two weeks from July 3 – 16. In announcing the move, the government also stated that during this period, everyone within these EMCO areas is not permitted to be out of their homes, with the exception of one person being allowed out to buy essential items within a 10 km radius from his/her household.
UPDATE: The latest revision no longer has the “vehicle repairs as well as relevant spare parts” bit, which implies that these services are no longer permissible in EMCO areas.
This means that service centres and workshops will not be allowed to open (in EMCO areas), even to carry out urgent and critically needed vehicle repairs or even scheduled servicing and general maintenance for that matter. If this is the case, expect car companies to announce an extension to routine service intervals and a grace period for warranties beyond the duration.
Meanwhile, workshops and the like that are not in EMCO areas will continue to operate, with tight SOPs.